Founded in 2005, Black Current is owned and distributed 100% in New Zealand the company behind the Brand Retail Management Group Limited (RMG) based in Auckland has a panel of experts to refine and bring to you the most natural way to control your natural ageing process. RMG also have international interest in the skincare retail chain which it owned and operated stores across Asia. In 2016 Black Current International Limited (company number 6156587) becomes an independent registered company based in Auckland, New Zealand. Black Current International Limited is also looking for the international market and spa distributors. Please navigate to contact us page for further enquiries.
Please write to us if you have any enquiry with regards to our product or seek further information at the bottom of this page.
New Zealand Office
Black Current Skincare
99 Custom Street West
Auckland Viaduct 1010
New Zealand
PO Box 33-829
Takapuna 0740
Auckland, New Zealand
Black Current Skincare Asia Offices
China Office:
Black Current Skincare
14F, 400 Zhe Jiang Zhong Road,
Huangpu District,
Puxi Shanghai 200021, China
Phone: +86(0)21 61112505
Taiwan Office:
Black Current Skincare
2F, No. 51 Xing'ai Rd,
Neihu District,
Taipei City 114, Taiwan
Phone: +886 2 8792 7350
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